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意得輯觀點 Editage Insights - Unique identification numbers for researchers
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Dr. Eddy 將在此專欄與您分享他身為一名研究員多年來累積的【論文投稿發表】經驗。請閱讀 Dr. Eddy 分享成功發表論文的技巧與國際期刊研究趨勢。


您是否曾思考過,如果有其他研究人員與您有相似的名字,那麼,該如何區分您與其之間的研究活動與研究成果?假設您在發表文章上的署名為「Zhang W」,您要如何避免其他「Zhang W」奪走您的引用積分或專利積分?



ORCID (Open Research and Contributor Identifier) 發表於 2012 年 10 月以非營利和社群為基礎運作,旨在為跨組織、學科和地區的研究人員創造一個獨特識別碼,並鼓勵所有科學研究人員共同參與並免費註冊。


註冊後,您會得到16位數的識別碼,該代碼會連結您的研究工作與成就,並確保只有您本人從您的研究中獲得積分。簡單來說,不會再有兩位「Zhang W」被誤認成是同一個人。

當越來越多研究人員註冊ORCID,識別碼能幫助您找到同領域的其他專家或全球特定的研究人員,此外,包含美國物理學會(American Physical Society)、愛思唯爾(Elsevier)、湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)等超過300家出版社、研究經費補助機構和其他研究相關組織都以發表合作伙伴身分在ORCID註冊。這代表只需以滑鼠點擊幾下,您就可以輕鬆地維護獎助金申請、履歷等資料,您再也不需要每次都重複輸入個人資料。透過ORCID,維護引用記錄也變得更容易,您甚至可以將您的發表研究直接與相關資料庫連結,這可大幅減少無趣繁雜的工作。您的ORCID也可與其他網路和合作系統同步更新。





Unique identification numbers for researchers!

Have you often wondered how your research activities and achievements can be distinguished from those of other researchers with similar names? If your name appears as “Zhang W” on your research publications, how can you prevent another “Zhang W” from taking credit for your citations or patents?

As you engage in multidisciplinary research efforts across countries, you need to enter your information repeatedly into online databases and information systems. How can you speed up this mundane form-filling process?

Here comes ORCID to the rescue!

ORCID (Open Research and Contributor Identifier) is a non-profit, community-based initiative aimed at creating unique identifiers for researchers across organizations, disciplines, and geographies. Launched in October 2012, all researchers are encouraged to participate and have themselves registered free of cost.

On registering, you will get a unique 16-digit numeric identifier. This number will be linked to your research work and achievements, and ensure that only you get credit for all your work. To put it simply, no two Zhang W’s can be mistaken to be the same person.

As more and more researchers register with ORCID, the identifier numbers will help you locate other experts in the field or specific researchers anywhere in the world. What’s more is that over 300 publishers, funding agencies, and other research-related organizations, including the American Physical Society, Elsevier, Thomson Reuters, etc., have already registered with ORCID as launch partners. This means that all data required for grant applications and resume upkeep will be easily retrievable with a few clicks, and you needn’t re-enter this data every time. Citation upkeep will become easy, and through ORCID,
you can even direct your publications to your target databases and repositories, which will greatly reduce your mundane tasks. Your ORCID record can be synchronized with other networking and collaboration systems.

How do you register?

You can register for an ORCID identifier through a cost-free and quick process at http://www.orcid.org. Once you’ve registered, you can create your record by entering your affiliation details, grants, and patents to your name, etc.; retrieving your publication data from the CrossRef database; or synchronizing data with other systems such as ResearcherID or Scopus. Alternatively, if you choose to have your employer register on your behalf, you will simply need to validate your record.

Although ORCID is meant to be an open registry with information about your research activities that you would like to make public, you can control your privacy settings and decide how much of your profile you would like to share.

To sum up, ORCID is an exciting new initiative that will serve as the way forward to creating a global integrated research community where researchers can reach out to each other, collaborate better, and transcend barriers of discipline and geography.

So what are you waiting for? Register today!

