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2014 SSP 會議重點:學術發表從著作權轉為貢獻度
作者 Jeffrey Beall
2014年5月下旬,我參加了學術出版協會(Society for Scholarly Publishing,SSP)在波士頓所舉辦的年度會議。其中我觀察了某小組的發言,並對他們提出的『了解學術刊物中貢獻度的角色』十分感興趣,該小組成員包括自然出版集團的 Veronique Kiermer、斯隆基金會(Sloan Foundation)的 Josh Greenberg、MIT圖書館的 Micah Altman 以及數碼科學(Digital Science)的 Amy Brand。

該小組成員解釋說,在學術文章中的著作權聲明是有問題的,內容模糊而且沒有傳遞足夠的必要訊息,他們還解釋了從傳統著作權聲明轉換到貢獻度聲明的好處,這些聲明能夠明確指出每個文章的各種貢獻者的角色。為了更明確說明,以下是最近一篇 Nature 文章中的著作權聲明,除了提供著作權聲明以外,還提供貢獻者聲明:

MZ proposed the experiment, compiled the data and performed most of the analysis. EC-B. wrote most of the main text and contributed to the theoretical analysis and implications of the work. TS contributed to the analysis and discussion of the data, and AT contributed to the theoretical analysis and implications of the work. All authors contributed ideas, discussed the results and wrote the manuscript.



這幾位 SSP 會議小組成員參加了委員會,制定對貢獻度術語的分類,該努力將有助於規範貢獻聲明中使用的單詞和短語。在未來幾年裡,我們可能會看到學術期刊中有更完整的貢獻度聲明,倘若你參與學術工作,那麼請精確地描述你在整個文稿準備過程中的角色。

Moving from Authorship to "Contributorship" in Scholarly Publications: An SSP 2014 session

In late May, 2014, I attended the annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the panel presentations I observed and found interesting was called "Understanding Contributor Roles in Scholarly Publications." The panelists included Veronique Kiermer of Nature Publishing Group, Josh Greenberg from the Sloan Foundation, Micah Altman from the MIT Libraries, and Amy Brand from Digital Science.

The panelists explained that authorship statements in scholarly articles are problematic because they are ambiguous and don't convey enough needed information. They explained the benefits of switching from traditional authorship statements to contributorship statements. These statements would clearly indicate the role of each of the paper's various contributors.

To clarify, here is an actual contributorship statement taken from a recent article in Nature, a journal that provides contributorship statements in addition to author statements:

M.Z. proposed the experiment, compiled the data and performed most of the analysis. E.C.-B. wrote most of the main text and contributed to the theoretical analysis and implications of the work. T.S. contributed to the analysis and discussion of the data, and A.T. contributed to the theoretical analysis and implications of the work. All authors contributed ideas, discussed the results and wrote the manuscript.

In the article, the contributors' full names and affiliations appear before the contributions section. Without clear contributor statements, the only real information that can be derived from a list of authors is author order, but this means different things in different fields. For example, in some fields, being first author might signal having made the greatest contribution to a paper, but in others, being the last author might indicate a chief role.

As collaboration or teamwork becomes more common and more important in scientific research, the average number of authors listed on a typical scientific paper is increasing. Thus there are some benefits to more clearly stating each contributor's role in the production of the scientific paper.

Also, clarifying these roles will facilitate managing the intellectual property aspects of published works, will help in the management of publication ethics, and will help in more precisely assigning academic credit, such as that given towards promotion and tenure.

A couple of the panelists from the SSP meeting are participating in a committee to develop a taxonomy of contributorship terms, an effort that would help standardize the words and phrases used in contributorship statements. In the coming years, we'll likely see fuller implementation of contributorship statements in scholarly journals, so if you participate in the production of a scholarly work, be prepared to precisely describe your role in the overall production of the manuscript.

Reference //www.editage.com/insights/moving-from-authorship-to-contributorship-in-scholarly-publications-an-ssp-2014-session

