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研究計畫問題陳述基本撰寫要點The basics of writing a statement of the problem for your research proposal
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  • 問題陳述用於研究工作,用意是聲明研究要處理的問題是什麼。
  • 一個好的問題陳述需要點出領域中的知識空白,帶出進一步研究。
  • 要寫出有說服力的問題陳述,你需要說出:理想、現實和結果。



問題陳述 (statement of the problem) 就是聲明研究工作要處理的問題。問題陳述簡短說明研究問題:這個研究要處理的問題是什麼?



撰寫問題陳述會幫助你清楚地找出你要提案的研究項目的用途。問題陳述也經常會被當作最終研究計劃中的前言 (introductory) 章節,迅速將讀者的注意力帶到你提案的研究項目要處理的議題上,提供讀者簡潔的提案計劃陳述。




  1. 點出知識落差
  2. 對既有的研究的貢獻夠顯著
  3. 能夠帶出進一步研究
  4. 問題應該要通過數據收集來進行調查
  5. 解決問題的方式應該要符合倫理道德








第一部分:According to the XY university mission statement, the university seeks to provide students with a safe, healthy learning environment. Dormitories are one important aspect of that learning environment, since 55% of XY students live in campus dorms and most of these students spend a significant amount of time working in their dorm rooms.


第二部分:Students living in dorms A B C, and D currently do not have air conditioning units, and during the hot seasons, it is common for room temperatures to exceed 80 degrees F. Many students report that they are unable to do homework in their dorm rooms. Others report having problems sleeping because of the humidity and temperature. The rooms are not only unhealthy, but they inhibit student productivity and academic achievement.

第三部分:In response to this problem, our study proposes to investigate several options for making the dorms more hospitable. We plan to carry out an all-inclusive participatory investigation into options for purchasing air conditioners (university-funded; student-subsidized) and different types of air conditioning systems. We will also consider less expensive ways to mitigate some or all of the problems noted above (such as creating climate-controlled dorm lounges and equipping them with better study areas and computing space).


第一步(陳述 1):敘述某特定情況、現象等的目標情況或理想狀態。勾勒出理想的情況(該期待或預期什麼)。

第二步(陳述 2):敘述目前有可能阻礙達到或實現第一步中討論中要達到的目標、狀態或價值的情況。勾勒出現實情況,構建應該要有的情況與目前的情況的落差。

第三步:利用轉折語 but、however、unfortunately 或 in spite of 來連接第一步和第二步的內容。

第四步(陳述 3):利用特定描述,表現出第二步中所述的情況除非做些什麼,才有改善的希望,然後通過預測可能的解決方案能帶來的結果來強調研究的好處。


範例 2

第一步(陳述 1)

The government of Kenya has a goal to industrialize the nation by the year 2030 (quote). In this regard it has encouraged growth-oriented micro and small enterprises (MSEs) that should graduate into medium and large enterprises capable of contributing to the industrialization goal. There are several sessional papers (quote/cite) that contain specific measures to encourage and support MSEs.

第二、三步(陳述 2)

Despite the said government efforts, there is slow growth of micro into small enterprises and even slower growth of small into medium scale enterprises (quote, show statistics). The government has officially acknowledged that there exists a “missing middle” in Kenya meaning that there is a gap between small and large enterprises in the country (cite, quote).

第四步(陳述 3)

Should the “missing middle” gap persist, the industrialization goal may be difficult to achieve. A need therefore arises to investigate why there is a persistent “missing middle” despite government efforts.

範例 3

陳述 1

In order to accomplish their missions, public universities need motivated workforces.

陳述 2

There are, however, frequent and severe disciplinary actions, absenteeism, as well as various forms of unrest in public universities which affect the accomplishment of the set missions. Our preliminary investigation reveals that both non-management and management staff are under motivated.

陳述 3

Without effective motivational packages and procedures, the said vices are likely to continue and retard the achievement of the universities’ missions.

Thus, there is a need to examine the public universities’ motivation systems and procedures, which is the aim of the proposed research.

範例 4

陳述 1

The Ministry of Youth is dedicated to allocating enterprise development funds to both the youth and women. These funds are made available in order to start entrepreneurial ventures that create and expand employment. (Provide relevant statistics and quote)

陳述 2

One of the main focuses of the ministry is consistency. Unfortunately, consistency in allocating funds to the next generation of recipients requires prior knowledge of previous allocations and established practices. The current continuous disbursement method does not allow for adequate analysis of previous disbursements before a current disbursement is done.

陳述 3

Continuing with this current disbursement method prevents consistency and causes decisions to become grossly political, which in turn inhibits the achievement of the goals of the funds. Developing a more informed disbursement system could help better implement the consistency focus of the ministry and at the same time help the ministry better monitor and evaluate its funds.

This proposed research aspires to explore options for a new funds disbursement system that would focus on consistency. To do this, the researcher will carry out a full stakeholder analysis and use it to propose appropriate policy interventions.



There is a problem in ______________________(e.g. organization or situation where problem is occurring). Despite___________________________(efforts to prevent or deter), _____________________(something undesirable or unexpected) is occurring (provide evidence). This problem has negatively affected_____________(victims of the problem) because_____________________________. A possible cause of this problem is ___________________________. Perhaps a study which investigates_________________ by a ___________(paradigm/method) could help resolve the situation.


An established trend in the small business start-up financing in Kenya is to establish funds. Some of these funds include the youth fund and women fund. These funds have helped improve the rate of start-ups in the country. However, after the start-up stage, the ventures start developing problems. First, they face problems in management which lead to a marketing problem and eventually to stagnation and early exit.

A study by the Institute of Development Studies (RoK, 2004) revealed that only 38% of the businesses are expanding while 58% have not added workers. According to the survey, more enterprises are likely to close in their first three years of operation. Four years later the same institute conducted another study in Central Kenya. This study revealed that 57% of small businesses are in stagnation with only 33% of them showing some level of growth.

In our current project, we propose to examine factors that have an impact on small business sustainability. We will employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather both primary and secondary data and information with the objective of determining success factors for the growth of small business in Kenya.

Specifically, we shall employ the product life cycle (PLC) model to identify the needs of a small business at the various stages of the PLC.


1. RoK, (2008). Economic Survey. Nairobi, Kenya. Government Printer.

2. Nyaga C.N. (2009). Non-financial constraints hindering growth of SMEs in Kenya: The case of plastic manufacturing companies in industrial area in Nairobi county.  (A masters research thesis, University of Nairobi).

3. Nyagah C.N. (2013). Non-financial constraints hindering growth of SME’S in Kenya: the case of plastic manufacturing companies in industrial area in Nairobi County (Doctoral dissertation).

